The Club Qigong App
Add Club Qigong to your Android or iPhone!
For iPhone:
Download for iPhone
For Android:
Download for Android
We need some Reviews! 🙏 Here’s how:
For iPhone (App Store):
📱 Search for “Club Qigong” in the App Store, scroll down to the Ratings & Reviews section.
✍️ Tap “Write a Review” or select the stars to begin rating the app.
🔑 If prompted, sign in with your Apple ID.
📝 Fill in your review and rating, then tap Send or Done to post it.
For Android (Google Play Store):
📱 Search for “Club Qigong” in the Google Play Store Scroll down to the Ratings & Reviews section.
✨ Tap the stars to start your rating.
✍️ You’ll then be prompted to write a review; tap the text field to start typing.
🚀 Once you’ve written your review, tap Post to submit it.
We appreciate you being part of this revolution in fitness! -Joe