Discovering the Meaning of SOUL: Soldier of Undying Love

Discovering the Meaning of SOUL: Soldier of Undying Love

I think I may have definitively figured out what the soul is once and for all on this day here, whenever this is being posted, I don’t know the date offhand.

It actually came to me around 3:33am and I’m just now doing the video for it because I don’t even need a note to remember it, it’s just been on my mind.

So what is the soul? It’s an acronym, actually.

And I even googled these four words in a row. They have not occurred yet on the Internet anywhere, which I couldn’t believe, actually. Soul, S O U L, Soldier of Undying Love.

Soldier because we stand in this alone, yet together, yet we’re focused. We actually have a mission, whether we remember it or not.

And undying love means we were created out of love and we shall remain in that state no matter who, when, why, or how we are

Again, it’s all about awareness. Are you aware of the love you’re already surrounded by, in and around you?

That’s all it takes. Simple mind shift. Boom.

So let’s march onward, my fellow soldiers of Undying love.

For more insights, click here.

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