♥️ Sacred Heart Surrender

♥️ Sacred Heart Surrender

Jesus walking on colorful waves of light,

This course is designed to nourish a profound connection with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, blending the soothing power of healing music with the transformative strength of affirmations rooted in Christ’s divine love. Align your soul with the sacred vibrations of Christ’s presence, releasing deeply held burdens, soothing emotional pain, and nurturing a profound sense of inner strength, grace, guidance and peace through His infinite love.

Step deeper into the sacred embrace of Christ’s Sacred Heart, to heal, grow, and discover the infinite tranquility that flows from His divine love and the freedom found in His grace.

Instructions: Get into a quiet sanctuary, the select any of the following:
1. Full Sleep meditations where you close your eyes and simply let go. Reclining in a chair is fine, though laying where you can fall asleep is even better.
2. Relax in a chair or bed and listen to the meditation and affirmations in a relaxed “theta” state.
3. Listen to the voice-only versions (with or without the meditation) anytime.

How the full sleep meditation works: A guided meditation gets us relaxed, then the affirmations are played first at regular volume for your conscious mind to hear. After a musical interlude with healing music (you’re welcome to fall asleep) the affirmations repeat quieter – for your subconscious mind. Listening to affirmations while asleep is the most powerful, enhancing your life at the subconscious level effortlessly.

Full Meditation with Affirmations & Music

♥️👼 Sacred Heart Surrender with Angelic Delta Sleep Music

Healing Delta Binaural frequencies enhance relaxation to connect deeper.

You can also download the full MP3 by clicking the arrow on the right (you may need to long-click and select).

♥️🎼 Sacred Heart Surrender with “Love Frequency” Music

The heart-opening Solfeggio frequency of 528hz fosters inner peace and love, also used by Benedictine Monks in their Gregorian Chants.

Voice Only Versions

♥️ Meditation and Affirmations on Loop

♥️ Affirmations on Loop

This meditation is special to me, as Jesus has been a light in my life since birth. This connection brings a quiet confidence and strength guided by Christ’s wisdom enhancing your own intuition, led by the Holy Spirit. To Freedom in Christ, 🙏🤍✨ Joe

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