Psychological Truths About Relationships You’ve Probably Never Heard Before
Here comes some psychological truths about relationships you probably never heard before.
The deeper your feelings are, the harder they are to express.
When your intentions are pure, you don’t lose anyone, they lose you.
The faster you eat, the more you gain weight.
Actions prove who someone is. Words just prove who someone wants to be.
Never mess with someone who is not afraid to be alone. You’ll lose every single time.
Listening to sad songs actually creates positive emotions.
Dreams can have more weight and meaning than our conscious thoughts and some say 70% of our dreams contain a secret message.
Easily distracted people are often more creative.
Trouble sleeping at night for no reason, you could be in someone else’s dream.
Your mind can sense someone staring at you even while you’re asleep.
Some people are actually afraid of being too happy because they think that something tragic will happen. It’s known as cherophobia.
People who walk at a quicker pace are generally seen as more happy and confident than those who walk slowly.
You really love him or her? I didn’t mention a name, but still, someone probably came to your mind.
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