Release Stuck Emotions and Heal Your Organs with Qigong

Release Stuck Emotions and Heal Your Organs with Qigong

When’s the last time you clean the anger out of your liver?

When’s the last time you clean the fear and anxiety out of your kidneys?

When’s the last time you clean the grief out of your heart and lungs?

If you go to the doctor, they tell you to take a pill to cover those symptoms, those emotions, the anger, the fear, the grief.

And if it just sits there in your organs long enough, then the doctors will just try to take the organ out.

No, there’s a better way.

It’s called Qigong, which essentially translates to energy work, and it’s been tested for thousands of years.

I’ve made it new for modern minds as it changes everything for people.

Save my own life!

Negative emotions can get stuck in our organs, and unless they’re removed, they can cause disease.

This is all according to traditional chinese medicine.

You know how people don’t believe it if it’s too simple, like how sipping water throughout the day or breathing through your nose, down into your abdomen can boost your health beyond belief. Well, Qigong is just like this.

I’ve compiled these incredibly simple forms to purge the negative emotions from the various organs to prevent disease before it starts, or to go to the root, if it’s ongoing, to actually reverse it.

You don’t give up your doctor, but you just might blow their mind.

And even if you only join for a month, you can download any course to keep forever.

Of course, it’s easy to join and rejoin anytime.

And so we’re here for those times when you really need to heal at the source.

Join me at ClubQigong.com.

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