Surprising Truths About People You’ve Probably Never Heard Before
Here comes some truths about people you probably never heard before.
Tell someone who’s angry that they have every right to be angry if you want to calm them down, don’t tell them to calm down.
Daytime naps improve memory and cut the risk of heart attacks.
Speaking of sleeping, adolescence is one of the periods in life where humans sleep a lot.
If you brush your teeth and other small tasks with a different hand than you’re used to, you force the brain to work differently. This improves your self control.
When you get an email or a text that annoys you, wait about an hour to respond. You’ll be surprised at how much more rational you become.
Smile before answering the phone. It’ll make you sound happier and improve the quality of your conversation.
Talking about ourselves actually triggers the same sensation of pleasure in our brain as food or money. So if you ever want to make someone happy, ask them about themselves.
The most common lie is “I am fine”. Of course, sometimes we say it just because we don’t want to get into it. But it’s important to take care of ourselves if we’re not feeling fine either way.
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