Unlocking Your Intuition: The Key to Finding Purpose and Clarity
There are two voices in your head.
One is the loud voice of ego, and the other is the quiet voice of intuition.
Most of us only hear that loud voice, and that’s why we and the world have so many problems.
I’ve been learning to develop my intuition for a while now, and yesterday I was able to actually locate lost glasses outside using my intuition.
One key to discerning your intuition is that it may be quieter than the ego, but it’s much faster. That means your intuition will pick up events within that first half second and know what’s going on.
But what usually happens is the ego intervenes and starts speaking before we can listen to that quiet wisdom.
It’s often called the gut reaction before the logical mind comes in.
It’s almost like when we wake from a dream and we forget it. That dream was like the intuition, and the waking world is the ego. Both are meant to be in play with each other, but what happens is the ego usually overrides the intuition.
And so try paying attention to your first half second reaction to things for a while.
Focus on how you first felt about something, and then, you know, the ego can start bringing all its insights and arguments in.
But start paying attention to that first flash and see what happens.
It’s actually how I found my glasses. I forgot about looking for a while. And then suddenly I put in my mind, hey, where are they? And I saw a flash of them sitting outside somewhere. So I started searching outside and I found them.
And once we develop intuition, we can do more than find glasses. We can actually find our life’s purpose.
For more insights, click here.