9 Powerful Traits of Truly Confident People

9 Powerful Traits of Truly Confident People

Here comes nine signs of a confident person.

They dare to give toxic people the silent treatment.

They don’t judge people without knowing their side of the story and even then they seek to understand rather than judge.

Instead of thinking “They will like me” they think “I’ll be fine if they don’t”.

They listen to understand, not to reply.

They normalize saying no, gently.

They don’t break eye contact too much.

They look to praise, not to be praised.

They’re too positive to be doubtful and too optimistic to be fearful.

They know everyone has flaws and nobody is perfect.

They’re better at ignoring insecurities.

They have mercy.

They know what their triggers are and they speak to them like a parent speaking to a child to calm them rather than suppressing them.

They don’t just have a purpose, they live it.

And if you’re looking to boost your life purpose, there’s some amazing exercises in life truths here.

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