The King Who Came to Crush the Ego, Not the Enemies

The King Who Came to Crush the Ego, Not the Enemies

Here comes the greatest irony of perhaps the most transformational event in human history.

Two thousand years ago, people were expecting an earthly king to arrive to crush their enemies.

Instead, a spiritual king arrived to crush the ego.

Which was the meaning of putting the newborn king in what is now the troubled west bank town of Bethlehem.

It’s actually showing us that the world we know is upside down.

The material world is seen as the reigning power, when it’s really all going on within.

The whole universe is just your feelings in which you decide to do with those.

The ego thinks the answer is out there. This king came to reveal the inner kingdom, to open intuition, to make, in his own words, thine eye full of light, which makes the body and your life full of light.

And the way there is love.

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