Six Hidden Truths About Health Your Doctor Won’t Tell You
Here comes six truths about your health your doctor didn’t tell you.
Every organ and your body is surrounded by a bio electromagnetic field. Only recently, science has been able to observe this field, but the ancients knew about it for thousands of years.
Pills are not the way to gain a healthy electromagnetic field.
Simple movements that mimic the forms of nature will do it in a way that is profound, graceful, and strengthening.
This field is actually like a protective shield around your organs and your body. It’s what keeps you healthy, like when wind hits you, it keeps you from getting too cold. When toxins hit organs, it’s what keeps them from getting afflicted.
Of course, they have their limits and they need to be cared for just like any other system.
The best way to care for your energetic body is through something called Qigong, which means the cultivation of life force energy.
Qigong combines breathing with movement and visualization to basically work magic in the organs and the body, creating a state of radiant health.
Qigong has helped me with everything from insomnia to chronic pain, to anxiety, to depression, to carpal tunnel.
Wow, I forgot all that.
And the secret is it’s kind of for badasses. It’s actually the root of all martial arts came from Qigong.
Qigong, as though the health system that sprung out of traditional Chinese medicine and even grew out of nature itself.
And it’s cool because it can be done by anybody, you know, Christians, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhists, it doesn’t matter. This is a scientific system. This is actually the medical Qigong that I teach.
You start to see kind of the primitive stage our current health system is in, grasping at, you know, pills and surgery and all these solutions. Sometimes they are very much needed, but there’s all these other things that we have forgotten about that are ready for us.
We just have to take that first step.
My favorite part is hearing back from people who have taken that step and the new radiance in life that they’re experiencing.
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