Love as a Mirror: Rediscovering the Divine Within Through Relationships

Love as a Mirror: Rediscovering the Divine Within Through Relationships

Have you ever wondered why humans fall in love not only with people, but things?

Maybe it’s not just about attraction.

Maybe it’s about recognizing a missing piece of ourselves in the other.

The craziest part is it’s not actually missing. We’ve just forgotten where to look.

This all stems from a new theory I have that we love in others the part of God we’re missing or have forgotten in ourselves.

You see, we fall for those who mirror our unexpressed divine traits. And as we grow together, we learn to integrate these qualities, evolving our love from a romantic need based connection to one of true unconditional love.

Through our relationships, we get to know our divine source and deepen our spiritual journey.

So next time you find yourself drawn to someone, remember they might just be reflecting the divine within you, the divine maybe you’ve forgotten that you already have.

That doesn’t mean you avoid love, it just means you see it at a new angle.

Okay, but what about those toxic traits were sometimes drawn to? Here’s the truth. Sometimes we’re attracted to people who reflect our unhealed wounds or insecurities. It’s not about being flawed, it’s about being human.

These relationships serve as wake up calls, showing us the areas where we need to heal and grow. They push us to face our shadows and ultimately guide us back to our true divine selves. So if you find yourself in a toxic relationship, don’t see it as a failure, instead see it as an opportunity for self awareness and transformation.

Remember, every relationship, good or bad, is a step on the path to discovering the unconditional love and divine potential within you.

And so the theory would be that once we find all these missing pieces of God within ourselves through loving others and even other things, then we no longer need other people or other things to feel complete. You know, so that doesn’t mean we give up love at that point. It means we can transcend from this kind of craving love to one of an unconditional love that we can then give and share with others.

For once we do achieve that completeness within, we feel such a sense of love, we want nothing else but to share it.

So to reflect back, we fall in love to find the divine within ourselves.

Love is a mirror reflecting our hidden divinity.

Romantic love starts with attraction, but it evolves into unconditional love when everything goes right.

Our relationships are spiritual lessons in disguise. Even being single is a lesson that maybe you’re meant to be spiritual or more spiritual.

In others we see the unexpressed traits of our own divine source.

True love is about finding that divine, not just chemistry, though, that totally matters, but love evolves when we embrace our own divine qualities. We meet the divine through the eyes of those we love.

Unconditional love is recognizing that divinity in everyone.

And love is a journey that ultimately leads to the divine essence within ourselves.

So if I could sum up this idea or philosophy or theology in one line, I would say: “We love in others the part of God we have forgotten.

All we have to do is remember. And that’s why love is so great. It helps us remember.

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