The 8-Step Method to Align Your Energy and Transform Your Life
Here comes how to manifest anything you desire that you may have never heard before.
It’s all part of a new course over at a new kind of fitness club that recognizes the physical state of our body is often dependent on our mental state and even our spiritual state.
And it all comes down to energy.
Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration..”
And how do you create a positive frequency? Feelings.
You see, our feelings are magnetic. They magnetize things toward us, good or bad. So we want to make sure we’re optimistic and keeping those feelings positive.
And then our thoughts are like energetic waves. So if you get your thoughts and feelings right, you can essentially manifest the reality you want to attract.
I put this all together into eight steps over at Club Qigong.
It’s part of a course in our mystery school.
And I teach how to manifest anything you desire in eight simple steps.
And while you’re there, you can also raise your vibration by doing some of the fitness routines. Because that’s what it’s all about. Raising the frequency of our energetic body, our mental body, our spiritual body. And that in turn bestows grace upon our physical body.
When you get the manifestation course, you get access to all the courses over at Club Qigong.