What’s Your Soul Mission?
Here’s a few ways to find out…
by Joe Moody
A key to our soul mission relates to our birth: when, where and to whom all matter.
My birth was a bit odd, as my American parents were overseas in Taipei City while my Dad completed his studies. So, I was officially “Made in Taiwan” (the joke never seems to get old).
Among all the newborns kicking their feet in the hospital’s baby room, I was easily spotted among my fellow birth-mates.
But even though I soon left Asia, Asia never really left me. Eastern insights always drew me in, as I found ways to balance body, mind, and soul.
Three is the Magic Number
We are made up of body, mind and soul. Ideally, they’re in balance, supporting each other.
Of course, the body usually gets the most attention, followed by the mind and then (if ever), the soul
(I have noticed people focusing on the soul attract more “luck” and “joy” – ie grace.)
Skeptics may scoff, but scientists in multiple fields have quietly proven our consciousness (the soul) survives death. Of course, if we waited for scientists to “prove” everything before we experienced them, we’d miss out on the essence of life itself.
Author Eckhart Tolle said we often speak from the vantage point of the soul without realizing it. How many times do we say “my” body aches, or “my” mind is exhausted? Well, who is this observer that claims ownership over both the body and mind?
The soul is the witness taking in our experiences, always observing, and in quiet times if we listen, offering great insight. The soul is also our closest aspect to our Source, Divine Creator, God.
That means to get in touch with our Soul allows us to be more in touch with God.
But society doesn’t usually reward us for getting in touch with our soul. Rarely is that a job requirement, or graded in school.
But there’s a benefit to this isolation, for the soul is the least polluted by society, worldly expectations and conditioning (what we’re told is “normal”). The soul is the “Knower” our minds glimpse in moments of intuition, epiphany and foresight. It’s connected to all and is therefore compassionate to all.
Your Soul is Unique yet United with Others
As I grew up in America’s Heartland, my parents raised me to know Christ – but not in the typical, superficial sense.
I’m just going to be straight up here… I truly believe our Divine Source chose a moment in history to incarnate through a Woman of Amazing Grace. This “Son of God” would lead the world to a higher level of consciousness, embracing forgiveness, love for all (even our “enemies”) and a clear path to Salvation.
I believe this Messiah of the Soul is still very active in the world today, especially with those who take the “leap of faith” to be closer to Him. Those who do become the happiest people on the planet (both experience and scientific studies support this).
But while it’s tempting to simply view Jesus as an inspiring teacher, that’s actually the spirit of the “anti-Christ” as it strips the central message that our souls are destined for eternal life and full reunion with our Divine Source.
Also missed is how the Christian faith is more encompassing and accepting than often represented. For instance, God guided three mystics 👑 from the East to the birthplace of His Son. These magi were astrologers who recognized the signs signalling the birth of this spiritual King. Such a global beginning shows the Christ-Light is meant for both East and West. 🌟
The big mistake many people made around the year “0” was expecting Jesus to be an earthly savior instead of a soul savior. Many wanted him on an earthly throne, taming the Roman Empire, not elevated at the right hand of God in the spiritual world.
Jesus even predicted many would misuse his name for worldly gain (by the way, never let your faith be decided by those who have either misused his name, or never felt his Saving Grace).
Jesus, in his own words, welcomes all good souls, saying he will greet many into the Kingdom who never even heard of him, because whenever they helped the less fortunate, they helped Him.
(I’ve also witnessed for decades how this Pure Divine Christ-Light can pierce through the darkest of dark, where other remedies fail).
I Believe in the Win-Win Philosophy
Society teaches us to divide more than to unite. To have a winner, we must have a loser. This is totally wrong, and causes us to see other precious traditions as foreign – to everyone’s loss. After all, we’re all riding the same spherical spaceship. Who really is foreign?
That’s where my soul mission comes into play. Born in Asia, Eastern practices never seemed foreign to me. I’d even wonder why everyone wasn’t taught some of the more basic stuff in school, like how to stretch the body and breathe properly for optimum health – which allows us to be better spiritual warriors.
Basic meditation and breath-work are exercises to calm and clear the mind and body, to be more receptive to our spirits. Just like folding our hands in prayer has been done to pray for thousands of years to commune with our Divine Source.
If we look at things how they are instead of how others say they should be, traditions like Buddhism and Christianity coexist quite well. Just ask NBA Coach Phil Jackson, who describes himself as a “Zen-Christian.” Phil won six championships with the Chicago Bulls and five with the Lakers. He’s the only coach to win multiple titles for two teams (Get it? Two teams … Buddhism and Christianity).
I believe we can benefit from the healthy practices of the East and the divine love and fear-conquering faith of the West, a true win-win.
So, How Do You Find Your Soul Mission?
The map is within, and the first signpost on the journey says: Just chill.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalms 46:10)
Until we start to go inward, we are searching in the dark. So it’s crucial to calm down our loud-and-proud ego with its constant demands for, “Me, me, me!” Once ego is silent, we can better hear the quiet voice of our own soul.
Yogis say, “Breath is the voice of the soul.” So that’s a great place to start. Listening to your voice in sacred spaces can open up wonders within. The idea is, find a quiet moment, speak a question of intention to God – then just listen…
It’s not only good for you (reducing stress), but helps quiet the ego’s selfish demands. This allows you to more clearly hear your intuition, your deeper perceptions, your Soul. And in the most splendid of moments, you’ll feel the warm glow of the Universal Christ Light in your heart – dwarfing worldly desires.
Notice what you do in quiet moments alone, like on a lazy weekend afternoon. What brings light to your heart? How can that be of service to others?
For me, it’s writing and doing videos of “Life Truths.” So, I know my mission involves writing and creating content for the benefit of others.
To believe we each have a soul mission is not radical, the Hindus and Buddhists both speak of souls given tasks or challenges to overcome in this life, as well as gifts to share with others.
Christianity speaks of how we grow the talents God gives us, sharing our unique spiritual gifts, to love and serve our Creator and others. In Judaism, Proverbs tells us, “A man’s gift makes room for him.”
I was blessed with a free-spirited childhood faith that flowed grace down my crown chakra during my formative years. I’ve been tested many times – and have slipped like anyone – but a simple leap of faith takes me back to this bright light that transcends all logic (as it proceeded my own ego’s logic).
I celebrate my Faith ✝️ beyond all limits – an open and beautiful one that allows me to be curious ☯️ … keep evolving and growing … all while still cherishing traditions and beliefs that protected and provided through generations of war, depression and social upheaval.
This “Bridge of Faith” frees us from the limited perspective and shaky footing of the human ego, and helps us reach our purpose.
To get started on the path toward your Soul Mission, I’ve found searching for the answers to these two questions take us in the right direction:
What are your gifts?
How can they empower others in a way that serves God?
By bringing more love, joy, compassion and the like to the world.
Discovering the answers for yourself can take you down the bright and joyful path to your Soul Mission. 🙏♥️✨