How Daily Walks Sparked My Transformation: The Power of Movement, Nature, and Connection
When you’re in a bad mood, take a walk.
If you’re still in a bad mood, take another walk.
Hippocrates said that.
And you wouldn’t think it would really amount to much, but it transformed me in ways that I can only describe in a “Walk ‘n Talks”.
Check this out.
I’m not sure I would have believed it myself.
It was at a time I wasn’t in good shape, mentally or physically, but I thought: “Hey, why not take two walks a day? One in the afternoon, one in the evening.”
After a short time, I started immediately feeling guidance along my walks, even receiving intuitive solutions to problems that I don’t think would have hit me if I would have just been sitting at home or even gone to a coffee shop, sitting around watching a bunch of other humans.
Sometimes we need the wisdom of nature.
So I would go to places where others wouldn’t go unless they were maybe walking their dogs, because then they’ll go off the trail, which is where some of my best insights occur.
And what was fascinating is, while taking these walks, though I was still far from good health or the person you now see before you today, my soul could sense that something was coming and that I was going to transform into someone that would surprise me just from doing these walks.
I knew it because I felt my consciousness expanding at an unbelievable rate when I would take these walks amid nature.
And to my surprise, my ego’s surprise, not my spirit, it actually happened.
Soon my health began to improve, and my intuitions led me to practices like meditation and getting deeper into Qigong. That led me to begin sharing insights online and I was surprised to find people were interested in what I had to say.
I was already a writer, and I usually hid behind my writing. I hadn’t really put my own face out there. And then the magic alchemy happened. Suddenly, a powerful idea struck, and I decided to speak it out while doing one of my walks.
As in alchemy, you can mix two unlike things and suddenly create something new. I created this new thing I call a “Walk ‘n Talks”, seeking for answers and solutions to life’s greatest riddles or just even simple little tidbits to get us through the day.
I would walk and talk out in nature, where there are no limits and there are no judges, but then, ironically, I would place those walk and talks before the masses, where there are plenty of judges.
And that’s when suddenly, all these writings I’ve been doing for years resonated more than ever with people, and the insights were flowing out of me better than ever.
It’s as if moving my feet was like a pump to this fountain of philosophies and spiritual epiphanies waiting to be shared.
And so, quite frankly, even if nobody was watching, I would still be doing these for my own health and sanity, just like I do with my writing. And I can’t believe, actually, that we’ve crossed over 3 million followers gaining insights for life with me.
And I’m so grateful to all of you because I feel your energy that you’re feeding back to me through the universal consciousness. And I hope to keep on feeding it back to you.
And so when I look back at what worked, it was stepping outside of the mainstream, going to where I could hear the murmurings of my heart, the whispers of my spirit.
Once I could do that, I began to look at my life and be more aware and mindful of the directions I was going and the frequencies I was putting myself into.
And who knows, maybe by walking out here, I’m attracting guides and spirits and angels who are feeding me information meant for this great Earth school we are all here learning on.
And so perhaps it began with me choosing happiness in the form of taking two walks a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. How often has the sky preached to me? How often has this stream whispered to me? How often these trees counseled me and listened to me like the ultimate therapist.
And then, not only that, but they feed me back with their healing oils that emanate from their leaves and bark.
It’s an absolutely wonderful healing thing that I recommend to anyone. Choose some place where you feel happy doing it. And hey, maybe throw on some headphones so you can create your own soundtrack as well. I certainly did that.
And don’t forget to pray, to meditate, to look at nature and listen to the murmurings of the great spirit – God.
When I’ve had a big thing to bring before a dear friend or family, one of the most powerful things I can do is take them on a walk with me. That’s where I think we can be more honest. That’s where things can flow off of our heart more easily. And I think that’s what makes these “Walk ‘n Talks” so healing.
Thanks for being here, friend. I look forward to many more walk and talks with you along our journey. So wonderful that we get to walk here on this Earth at the same time together.