You Are Not Your Thoughts: How to Release Mental Clutter and Heal Through Movement

You Are Not Your Thoughts: How to Release Mental Clutter and Heal Through Movement

I just want to remind you, you are not your thoughts.

Your thoughts come from a universal stream of consciousness filled with shadow and light and even your own DNA.

See them more like clouds passing in the sky or leaves on a stream gently floating away. But don’t cling to them. Don’t run from them, don’t chase them. Just let them go. Observe them. Be the observer.

A woman wrote me recently saying that some childhood trauma has caused her to have rumination throughout adulthood, meaning she just gets stuck in thought loops.

And that reminded me this whole concept that we are definitely not our thoughts.

They’re filled with people’s limiting beliefs. They’re filled with silly things in the media and ads. So just let them go. Learn to separate from your thoughts, to detach from them.

And another great way to do that is through somatic healing, which I also definitely recommended to this woman.

And that just means you’re using movement to start purging out negative emotions instead of letting them just sit there and trying to think them away.

And that’s why so many people will connect their exercise routines with de stressing, with letting go of stress and the clamor of the outside world.

Because movement and exercise are a great way to let go of thoughts which are not us.

And if you’re looking for actual moves that target specific emotions, like purging anger out of the liver or anxiety out of the kidneys, or getting the grief out of the heart and lungs, click here.

It’s ancient fitness made new for modern minds.

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